Shrestha Rajat


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Last updated Jul 9, 2023 Edit Source

# Amazon Elasticache

#aws #cloud #databases

A fully managed AWS Implementation of Redis and Memcached. It is a key/value store which is In-memory for high performance reads and low latency. It is usually put infront of a database like RDS and DynamoDB To increase read speeds.

It can be used for caching • Data that is same for a long time and frequently accessed • Applications that are tolerant of stale data (cannot be used in real-time) • Data is slow and expensive to get compared to cache retrieval • Require push-button scalability for memory, writes and reads • Often used for storing session state

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# Scaling

# Memcached

# Redis Cluster mode disable

Can add a replica or change nodetype.

# Redis Cluster mode enabled

Use Online Resharding to add or vertically scaling. Use Offline Resharding to add or upgrade engine (more flexible than online)